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How To Clean Kitchen Cabinets

Greasy food smudges, fingerprints, and general dirty buildup can make your beautiful kitchen cabinets look dull, grimy, and even unsightly. And, the longer they remain dirty, the harder it will be to restore their original luster. Keep reading to discover the most efficient way to revive the natural beauty of your wood kitchen cabinets and keep them looking new for many years to come.

Follow these steps:

1. Dust your cabinets

Use a dry, soft cotton cloth to dust off mild debris accumulation and to lightly buff both the exterior and interior surfaces of the cabinets. It’s especially important to keep the exterior of your cabinets dusted on a regular basis in order to keep their sheen. The steam and grease that’s inevitably generated while cooking will adhere to any dust on cabinet surfaces, making them much more difficult to clean if the dust is never removed.

2. How to clean very dirty cabinet surfaces

Cleaning heavily soiled cabinets will require a bit of elbow grease and a mild soap to completely eliminate heavy residues and stubborn grease stains.

3. Polish the exterior of the cabinets

Polished cabinets will ultimately give the whole kitchen a clean, radiant, warm glow by bringing out and emphasizing the true nature of the natural grain of the wood.

Once your cabinets are clean both inside and out, return the contents back inside and admire your work. As stated, keep the exterior of your kitchen cabinets dusted on a regular basis so grease and grime won’t buildup on their surfaces. Your clean, polished wood kitchens cabinets will look showroom new.

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