Simple Science

Simple Science

What is an Instinct?

Instinct is an action that achieves a certain goal without the participation of the reviews that perform an action.
C6 H6
Simple Science

Uses of Benzene

Benzene is an aromatic organic compound. It was discovered in 1825, by the English physicist and chemist Michael Faraday.
Simple Science

5 Reasons Why Americans get Divorced

Every relationship needs detail-oriented and hard work! Give your partner a try before it’s too late!
How to determine someone's intelligence
Simple Science

How to Determine Someone’s Intelligence Based on Conversation?

This is a fairly complicated question so the answer can’t be a simple yes or no. Roughly you can determine someone’s level of intelligence.
Simple Science

6 Common Uses of Biotechnology

Biotechnology has been defined as the integrated use of physical, biological as well as engineering sciences to achieve the technological application of biological systems.
Simple Science

Why Are We Getting Tired?

They are transmitted by blood through the body, so you do not feel tired just in your muscles but also throughout the body, especially in the brain.
Sodium uses
Simple Science

Uses of Sodium

Baking soda, household lye, table salt, baking powder, aspirin, and other drugs, soaps and detergents, and many other products are sodium products.
Simple Science

Uses of Barium

Barium is an element that was first isolated in 1808 by Sir Humphry Davy, and can be found in stones, concrete, paints, and photo paper.
Simple Science

Uses of Beryllium

About ¾ of all the beryllium produced are beryllium-copper alloys. This alloy is made by melting and mixing 2 or more metals.
Simple Science

Uses of Boron

Boron was discovered by Sir Humphry Davy, an English chemist, and independently by Louis-Jaques Thénard and Joseph-Louis Gay-Lussac, French chemists, in 1808. All of them isolated this element by combining boric acid with potassium.
Simple Science

Uses of Argon

Argon was not discovered until 1894 by Sir William Ramsay and Lord Rayleigh, even though it was suspected to be present in air by Henry Cavendish in 1785.
The SSJ100 for You
Simple Science

Uses of Titanium

Titanium has a number of other uses too, and in this article, we will also discuss all the other great applications of this material.