Simple Science

Simple Science

Uses Of Helium

There are many people who believe helium sole use is for balloons and blimps, but its importance in science is more than a lifting medium.
Simple Science

Why We Feel Hunger?

Photo by Digital Wallpapers Hunger has nothing to do with an empty stomach even though most people believe it has. Infants are born with an empty stomach, yet they don’t…
Wasserstoffspeicher / Hydrogen tanks
Simple Science

Uses Of Hydrogen

There are many uses for hydrogen. It is highly flammable gas, and for that reason it can be dangerous to use. Hydrogen is the lightest element and can be used as a lifting agent in balloons.
Simple Science

How Do We Feel The Taste Of The Food?

Photo by br1dotcom The taste depends on the action of substances on certain particularly sensitive organs in our body. If the particles of one substance cannot move freely, we can…
Simple Science

What Is Color Blindness?

Photo by pumpkincat210 All colors are formed by mixing the three primary colors: red, yellow and blue. Flower colors, for example, are formed by combining pigment granules of the three…