Simple Science

Simple Science

Uses Of Amethyst

Amethyst is revered for its wonderful beauty, which is often a purple or violet. It is one of the most popular gemstones on the planet.
The Scientist At Work
Simple Science

Uses Of Bases And Acids

Bases and acids come into play in everyday life in everything from the medicine you take to digestion of the foods you eat and even cleaning products you use.
Bagasse, Sugarcane, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh
Simple Science

Uses Of Bagasse

Bagasse is a fiber that remains after the extraction of the sugar-bearing juice from sugarcane. It is also known as megass or megasse.
Simple Science

Why Do People Smoke

It's very hard to determine why people smoke. There is no shortage of medical reports stating the bad side of smoking. So, again, these findings are still not taken seriously. There are explanations ranging from psychological to emotional.
Simple Science

What Is Pain?

Photo by la Caja de la china Have you ever wished that you don’t feel the pain? If so, you should know that you are really lucky because you can…
Simple Science

How Do We Forget?

Photo by Esparta No man is aware of how much we remember! Close your eyes and try to remember everything you see - all the people, all the houses, all…
Simple Science

How to: Lucid dreams ( and how to learn to control them )

Lucidity ( 'mental clarity' ) usually starts during sleep when the dreamer realizes that some experience did not happened / appeared in the physical realm, but in the dream. Once you realize that you are still dreaming, you'll get a full control of your dream, which is probably the most interesting part of lucid dreaming.
Simple Science

How Can We Feel Smell?

Photo by Dennis Wong Everyone loves pleasant odors - the smell of flowers, or the smell of cakes that are baked. But the odor can be very unpleasant. It's strange,…
Simple Science

Uses Of Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral which can be found in relatively large amounts in our bodies. It has been estimated that the average person's body contains about 25 grams of magnesium.
Simple Science

Uses Of Oxygen

Oxygen has no smell or color and is a tasteless gas. The gas comprises 23% of the air. Oxygen is a part of the air which all living beings use to breathe. It can be found in the Sun, the atmosphere, oceans and human bodies.
Simple Science

Uses Of Apple Cider Vinegar

For many centuries, vinegar has been used for many cooking and household purposes. This remedy is claimed to help with all sort of health problems.
Simple Science

How Do We Remember?

Photo by Magnate Lab No one is able to explain the brain's ability to remember and use its knowledge and experience, albeit we know about the various types of memory…